The following are events during which AirLink was activated to provide communications support for the EOC and our communities.
- The Cold Springs Fire (July 2016). Located near the town of Nederland, this wildfire burned 1,523 acres. Approximately 10,000 residents were evacuated at one point. AirLink was activated and was able to provide eyewitness accounts of the fire’s location and movement during the initial hours of the event. This was especially important to the AirLink members in the potential path of the fire.
- Flash Flood (June 2015). A flash flood warning was issued for Boulder County. This came only two years following the historic Flood of 2013, so there was concern about flooding but also mudslides where the mountain sides were burned in the 2010 FourMile Fire. AirLink was able to report on the local mountain creeks, a monitoring station that washed away on LeftHand Creek, and culverts that were becoming clogged with debris, allowing County crews to respond and prevent flooding.